Audio & Video

Channel 9 News Sep 2020

Breakfast with Steve and Basil

by 6PR Newstalk | April, 2019

BBC Interview with Bob Cooper

by Rhod Sharp, BBC | January, 2019

Bob Cooper - Snakes Advice

by 6PR - interviewed by Tim McManus | September, 2018

Curtin FM interview with Bob Cooper Part 1

by Curtin FM | June, 2018

Curtin FM interview with Bob Cooper Part 2

by Curtin FM | June, 2018

Bob Cooper talks about outback survival tips

by Catriona Rowntree | April 22, 2017

MyMelbourne interview with Bob Cooper

by Glenn Ridge, Mornings on MyMp | March 19, 2013

Roots and Shoots

by James Lush and Sabrina Hahn | February 09, 2013

Interview with Bob Cooper

by | November 08, 2012

Bob Cooper Interview

by, Moyd and Loretta | November 07, 2012

Rodney Olsen interviews Bob Cooper

by 98five Sonshine FM | October 08, 2012

Bush survival and mining companies

by ABC Rural: Babs McHugh | August 02, 2012

Bush survival book

by ABC Rural: Babs McHugh | August 02, 2012

ABC Guestroom interview with Bob Cooper

by ABC Guestroom | August 01, 2012

Curtin FM interview with Bob Cooper

by Curtin FM | April 17, 2009

Bob Cooper’s Survival Kit

Bob Cooper’s Survival Playing Cards

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