Based in Perth, Bob runs award-winning courses for beginners through to seasoned survivalists.

Being armed with simple skills will help you survive just about anywhere, says Bob, who has been teaching survival skills for decades and has worked with everybody from NASA, the FBI and Texas Rangers to Australian Security Forces.

Mark III Survival Kit

Bob Cooper Outback Survival courses take place in the WA bush and include skills like the psychology of fear, map reading, avoiding toxic vegetation, snake awareness, finding water, navigation by the sun and stars and fire lighting tecniques.

“Whether you are lost in Kalamunda, facing political unrest or in a difficult business situation, the same strategies apply,” he said.

“The five priorities are; water, warmth, signals, shelter and food. You have to stop, control your thoughts and choose which one to satisfy first.”

To prove just how little you do need to survive a bad situation Bob has created the Mark III Survival Kit, which fits into a soap box. It contains 33 items that help in satisfying the five survival priorities.

He has walked 160 km in harsh terrain with nothing but the contents of this box to demonstrate that with some knowledge and minimal gear you can survive.

Source: Timeout

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